For some time now I have campaigned for more information to be shared with the public on the damage that so-called 'laughing gas', nitrous oxide sold in canisters, can do. Many of us who routinely do litter picks, see the silver small canisters and increasingly the large blue bottles, discarded in parks and along our streets in their dozens.
I spoke to Police Crime Commissioner, Matthew Scott last year, about providing some information to warn users, especially young people about the risks using can have. Worryingly, there was a recent article warning of the risks to long-term health of using and potential nerve damage ( We now have a leaflet that is being distributed by Cllrs and Parish Cllrs, to warn of the dangers of using these drugs and how to seek help.
I particularly welcome the news announced by the Government at the end of March, signalling that nitrous oxide possession will be made an offence and preventing supply via greater controls on retailers and taking action. It is vital that people, especially our young people, understand the potential risks and seek help if they need it: