Many residents have contacted me concerned that their gardens are very water-logged, or nearby ditches are flooding and not draining as normal.
I have been in touch with the Environment Agency regarding these concerns, who confirm that recent months have seen much heavier rainfall than the long term average (LTA). Indeed, January saw more than 200% more rainfall than the LTA.
The Environment Agency also confirmed that as we have seen much wetter weather for several years now, ground water saturation levels are also higher - there are springs that normally run dry during the summer months that, despite the warmer weather last summer, continued to flow.
Following up with Kent County Council, who have responsibility for maintaining drainage around the highway, culverts and areas at the South of the village (Pinnock Lane) that were overwhelmed several times earlier this year, will be investigated to check they are clear.
I am pursuing with the Environment Agency more consistent reporting of areas that are suffering persistent flooding, to ensure that flood maps are updated. This will help us to ensure that development around these areas can be restricted to ensure it does not exacerbate existing issues.
I am also asking what inspection of SUDs schemes is undertaken on new developments before these are signed off, to ensure that these are working properly and doing what they are designed to do to alleviate flood risks and drain the land.
If you are impacted by flooding, please do get in touch: [email protected]